
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2022 Mycila (mathieu.carbou@gmail.com)
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *         https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.mycila.maven.plugin.license.header;

import com.mycila.maven.plugin.license.HeaderSection;
import com.mycila.maven.plugin.license.document.Document;
import com.mycila.maven.plugin.license.util.StringUtils;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import static com.mycila.maven.plugin.license.util.FileUtils.readFirstLines;
import static com.mycila.maven.plugin.license.util.FileUtils.remove;

 * The <code>Header</code> class wraps the license template file, the one which have to be outputted inside the other
 * files.
 * @author Mathieu Carbou (mathieu.carbou@gmail.com)
public final class Header {
  private final HeaderSource location;
  private final String headerContent;
  private final String headerContentOneLine;
  private String[] lines;
  private final HeaderSection[] sections;
  private final int maxLength;

   * Constructs a <code>Header</code> object pointing to a license template file. In case of the template contains
   * replaceable values (declared as ${<em>valuename</em>}), you can set the map of this values.
   * @param location The license template file location.
   * @param sections Any applicable header sections for this header
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the header file location is null or if an error occurred while reading the
   *                                  file content.
  public Header(HeaderSource location, HeaderSection[] sections) {
    this.location = location;
    this.sections = sections;
    try {
      this.headerContent = location.getContent();
      lines = headerContent.replace("\r", "").split("\n");
      headerContentOneLine = remove(headerContent, " ", "\t", "\r", "\n");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot read header document " + location + ". Cause: " + e.getMessage(), e);

    int maxLength = 0;
    for (String line : lines) {
      if (line.length() > maxLength) {
        maxLength = line.length();

    this.maxLength = maxLength;

  public String asString() {
    return headerContent;

  public String asOneLineString() {
    return headerContentOneLine;

  public int getLineCount() {
    return lines.length;

  public int getMaxLineLength() {
    return maxLength;

   * Returns the location of license template file.
   * @return The URL location.
  public HeaderSource getLocation() {
    return location;

  public String eol(boolean unix) {
    return unix ? "\n" : "\r\n";

  public String buildForDefinition(HeaderDefinition type, boolean unix) {
    StringBuilder newHeader = new StringBuilder();
    String unixEndOfLine = eol(unix);
    if (notEmpty(type.getFirstLine())) {
      String firstLine = type.getFirstLine().replace("EOL", unixEndOfLine);
      if (!firstLine.equals(unixEndOfLine)) {
    for (String line : getLines()) {
      final String before = type.getBeforeEachLine().replace("EOL", unixEndOfLine);
      final String after = type.getAfterEachLine().replace("EOL", unixEndOfLine);
      final String str;

      if (type.isPadLines()) {
        str = before + StringUtils.padRight(line, maxLength) + after;
      } else {
        str = before + line + after;

    if (notEmpty(type.getEndLine())) {
      String endLine = type.getEndLine().replace("EOL", unixEndOfLine);
      if (!endLine.equals(unixEndOfLine)) {
    return newHeader.toString();

  public String toString() {
    return asString();

  public String[] getLines() {
    return lines;

   * Determines if a potential file header (typically, the start of the file
   * plus some buffer space) matches this header, as rendered with the
   * specified {@link HeaderDefinition} and line-ending.
   * @param potentialFileHeader the potential file header, usually with some extra buffer
   *                            lines
   * @param headerDefinition    the header definition to render the header with
   * @param unix                if true, unix line-endings will be used
   * @return true if the header is matched
  public boolean isMatchForText(String potentialFileHeader, HeaderDefinition headerDefinition, boolean unix) {
    String expected = buildForDefinition(headerDefinition, unix);
    return isMatchForText(expected, potentialFileHeader, headerDefinition, unix);

  public boolean isMatchForText(String expected, String potentialFileHeader, HeaderDefinition headerDefinition, boolean unix) {

    SortedMap<Integer, HeaderSection> sectionsByIndex = computeSectionsByIndex(expected);

    if (sectionsByIndex.isEmpty()) {
      return potentialFileHeader.contains(expected);

    List<String> textBetweenSections = buildExpectedTextBetweenSections(expected, sectionsByIndex);
    List<HeaderSection> sectionsInOrder = new ArrayList<>(sectionsByIndex.values());
    return recursivelyFindMatch(potentialFileHeader, headerDefinition, textBetweenSections, sectionsInOrder, 0, 0);

  public boolean isMatchForText(Document d, HeaderDefinition headerDefinition, boolean unix, String encoding) throws IOException {
    String fileHeader = readFirstLines(d.getFile(), getLineCount() + 10, encoding).replaceAll(" *\r?\n", "\n");
    String expected = buildForDefinition(headerDefinition, unix);
    expected = d.mergeProperties(expected);
    return isMatchForText(expected, fileHeader, headerDefinition, unix);

  public String applyDefinitionAndSections(HeaderDefinition headerDefinition, boolean unix) {

    String expected = buildForDefinition(headerDefinition, unix);

    SortedMap<Integer, HeaderSection> sectionsByIndex = computeSectionsByIndex(expected);

    if (sectionsByIndex.isEmpty()) {
      return expected;

    List<String> textBetweenSections = buildExpectedTextBetweenSections(expected, sectionsByIndex);
    List<HeaderSection> sectionsInOrder = new ArrayList<>(sectionsByIndex.values());

    StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < textBetweenSections.size(); ++i) {
      String textBetween = textBetweenSections.get(i);
      if (i < sectionsInOrder.size()) {
        HeaderSection section = sectionsInOrder.get(i);
        String sectionValue = section.getDefaultValue();
        if (notEmpty(sectionValue)) {
          String[] tokens = sectionValue.split(eol(unix));
          for (int j = 0; j < tokens.length; j++) {
            if (j > 0) {
              if (notEmpty(headerDefinition.getBeforeEachLine())) {
              if (notEmpty(headerDefinition.getAfterEachLine())) {
            } else {
    return b.toString();

  private boolean notEmpty(String str) {
    return str != null && str.length() > 0;

   * If this Header has any {@link HeaderSection} sections defined, we look
   * for each header key in the expected header text and note the position
   * index of the match.
   * @param expectedHeaderText the expected header text
   * @return a sorted-map of matching HeaderSections, with the key being the
   * index of section in the header text
  private SortedMap<Integer, HeaderSection> computeSectionsByIndex(String expectedHeaderText) {

    SortedMap<Integer, HeaderSection> sectionsByIndex = new TreeMap<>();

    if (sections == null) {
      return sectionsByIndex;

    for (HeaderSection section : sections) {

      String key = section.getKey();
      int index = expectedHeaderText.indexOf(key);
      if (index == -1) {
        // TODO: we need some way to log that a header section key was not found...

       * Verify that the new section doesn't overlap with an existing
       * section
      int indexEnd = index + section.getKey().length();

      for (Map.Entry<Integer, HeaderSection> entry : sectionsByIndex.entrySet()) {

        int existingIndexStart = entry.getKey();
        HeaderSection existingSection = entry.getValue();
        int existingIndexEnd = existingIndexStart + existingSection.getKey().length();

        if (existingIndexStart < indexEnd && index < existingIndexEnd) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
              "Existing section '%1$s' overlaps with new section '%2$s'", existingSection.getKey(),

        sectionsByIndex.put(index, section);

      sectionsByIndex.put(index, section);

    return sectionsByIndex;

   * Once we have found the set of header sections indexed in the expected
   * header text, we extract out the remaining header text occurring
   * in-between those header sections and return an ordered list of the
   * segments.
   * <p>
   * As an example, if out text looked like:
   * <p>
   * "My name is NAME_SECTION and I work for COMPANY_SECTION most days."
   * <p>
   * where "NAME_SECTION" and "COMPANY_SECTION" are matched sections, the
   * resulting list should look like:
   * <p>
   * ["My name is ", " and I work for ", " most days."]
   * @param expectedHeaderText the expected header text
   * @param sectionsByIndex    a sorted-map of matching HeaderSections, with the key being
   *                           the index of section in the header text
   * @return an ordered list of the text segments occurring in-between the
   * sections
  private List<String> buildExpectedTextBetweenSections(String expectedHeaderText,
                                                        SortedMap<Integer, HeaderSection> sectionsByIndex) {

    List<String> textBetweenSections = new ArrayList<>();
    int currentIndex = 0;

    for (Map.Entry<Integer, HeaderSection> entry : sectionsByIndex.entrySet()) {
      int index = entry.getKey();
      HeaderSection section = entry.getValue();
      String textBetween = expectedHeaderText.substring(currentIndex, index);
      currentIndex = index + section.getKey().length();

     * Add the tail of the expected text
    String textBetween = expectedHeaderText.substring(currentIndex, expectedHeaderText.length());

    return textBetweenSections;

   * Given a potential file header and our expected segmented header text,
   * this method recursively searches through the expected segments, looking
   * for possible matches.
   * <p>
   * We recursively search through the potential header for each of the
   * expected text section, advancing our current text segment index and our
   * index into the potential header text. Each step of the recursion
   * considers all possible matches for a text segment, such that the
   * recursion tree will eventually consider ALL valid matches. This can be
   * useful when the user specifies a header like:
   * <p>
   * "Copyright YEAR NAME - License"
   * <p>
   * where "YEAR" and "NAME" are sections, meaning that we have to match a " "
   * in-between, which can potentially match in multiple places if the actual
   * values in the potential header contain spaces.
   * @param potentialFileHeader             the potential file header
   * @param headerDefinition                the header definition
   * @param expectedTextBetweenSections     the expected text between sections
   * @param sectionsInOrder                 the sections interleaved with the expected text
   * @param currentTextSegmentIndex         the index of the current expected text segment to search for
   * @param currentPotentialFileHeaderIndex the current search index into the potentialFileHeader
   * @return true if a valid match is found
  private boolean recursivelyFindMatch(String potentialFileHeader, HeaderDefinition headerDefinition,
                                       List<String> expectedTextBetweenSections, List<HeaderSection> sectionsInOrder, int currentTextSegmentIndex,
                                       int currentPotentialFileHeaderIndex) {

    if (currentTextSegmentIndex == expectedTextBetweenSections.size()) {
      return true;

    int currentSearchFromIndex = currentPotentialFileHeaderIndex;

    while (true) {
      String expectedText = expectedTextBetweenSections.get(currentTextSegmentIndex);
      int index = potentialFileHeader.indexOf(expectedText, currentSearchFromIndex);
      if (index == -1) {
        return false;

      if (currentTextSegmentIndex > 0) {
        HeaderSection section = sectionsInOrder.get(currentTextSegmentIndex - 1);
        String sectionValue = potentialFileHeader.substring(currentPotentialFileHeaderIndex, index);
        if (!ensureSectionMatch(headerDefinition, section, sectionValue)) {
          return false;

      if (recursivelyFindMatch(potentialFileHeader, headerDefinition, expectedTextBetweenSections,
          sectionsInOrder, currentTextSegmentIndex + 1, index + expectedText.length())) {
        return true;

      currentSearchFromIndex = index + 1;

   * If a header section has specified an "ensureMatch" value (see
   * {@link HeaderSection#getEnsureMatch()}), then we verify that the contents
   * of the section in the detected header do indeed match.
   * @param headerDefinition the header definition for the current header match
   * @param section          the header section
   * @param sectionValue     the detected value of the section in the source file header
   * @return false if the detected section value failed the match
  private boolean ensureSectionMatch(HeaderDefinition headerDefinition, HeaderSection section, String sectionValue) {

    String match = section.getEnsureMatch();
    if (!notEmpty(match)) {
      return true;

    String[] lines = sectionValue.split("\n");

     * We need to clean off any header-specific line-start characters before
     * we perform the match
    String before = headerDefinition.getBeforeEachLine();
    if (notEmpty(before)) {
      for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
        String line = lines[i];
        if (line.startsWith(before)) {
          lines[i] = line.substring(before.length());

     * If a multi-line match has been specified, we reconstruct the
     * multi-line string (now sans line-start characters) and perform the
     * match on the result
    if (section.isMultiLineMatch()) {
      StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
      for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
        if (i > 0) {
      String multiLineValue = b.toString();
      return multiLineValue.matches(match);

    for (String line : lines) {
      if (!line.matches(match)) {
        return false;

    return true;